Smart Cards:
- A small embedded computer. Shaped as a credit card or a SIM card.
- Low processing power (8-bit CPU, 5 MHz clock).
- Small memory (4 Kb RAM, 16 Kb EEPROM, 64 Kb ROM).
- Secure (tamper-resistant).
- Inexpensive (average 3 Euros).
Using smart cards as security tokens:
- Authentication of the card holder:
- To have (the card) and to know (a PIN code).
- Credit cards; SIM cards for GSM; pay TV; electronic locks.
- Storing sensitive information:
- Credit cards: number, expiration date, transaction log, …
- Phone book in SIM cards.
- Medical data

Smart Card Security from a Programming Language
Source: INRIA
Author: Xavier Leroy
Download Project and Java Code
Download Project – Implementation of SCOSTA-CL based Smart Card Operating System (SCSOS).pdf