A typical luxury Hotel requires a management system to control its various operations such as maintaining account of all the people in its domain of services, attending to various needs of customers and also achieving increased efficiency in the overall working of the Hotel itself.
Purpose of the System
The Hotel Management System aims to make simpler a staff’s interaction with the various modules of the Hotel and ease the process of acquiring information and providing services. The system can be accessed by the admin and customers but the highest priority given to admin that are allocated a login id and password. It will also allow cutting the operational costs of the hotel.

Hotel Management System in C++
In this system we will make extensive use of files system in C++. We will have a login id system initially. In this system we will be having separate functions for
• Getting the information
• Getting customer information who are lodged in
• Allocating a room to the customer
• Checking the availability
• Displaying the features of the rooms.
• Preparing a billing function for the customer according to his room no.
In the software developed separate functions will be there for each of the above points so that there is ample scope for adding more features in the near future.
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>> List of Hotel Management System Projects in JAVA, VB.Net, PHP, C, C++, J2EE