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Building a Weather App Using Javascript

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The Weather App is a simple project developed utilizing JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. This task is an intriguing project for basically climate gauging. The user can check the state of the present-day atmosphere likelihood and foresee whether the day is a shady or bright day. The user can record the name of any city over the world in the application.

Making of the Project

This App is simply in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Taking about the features of this system, the user can forecast the condition of the current-day climate probability and predict whether the day is a cloudy or sunny day. The user can write down the name of any city across the world in the app. Also, this project includes a lot of JavaScript for making the functioning of the project.

How To Run the Project?

To run this project, you don’t need to have any kind of local server but yet a browser. We recommend you to use modern browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. To run this app, just, open the project in your browser by clicking the index.html file

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