Image denoising algorithms often assume an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) process that is independent of the actual RGB values. Such approaches cannot effectively Continue reading
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Tag: Image Processing
Red Blood Cells Classification using Image Processing
This paper investigates automated diagnosis of red blood cell’s and describes a method to classify the different shapes of red blood cells using the image processing techniques. The shape of red blood cells can be Continue reading
Exploring the Possibilities of Split Testing on Motion-Based Games
Split testing is a popular practise to compare and evaluate design elements of web-sites. In this report, it is explored how split testing can be employed to test features of motion-based Continue reading
Face Recognition using Principle Component Analysis
The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is one of the most successful techniques that have been used in image recognition and compression. PCA is a statistical method under the broad title of factor analysis. The purpose of PCA is to reduce the large Continue reading
Ensuring Integrity with Fingerprint Verification
With the increase of online communication and transactions, the demand for security and privacy increases. There are several solutions already in use to protect confidential information and to Continue reading
Variance Adaptive Quantization and Adaptive Offset Selection in High Efficiency Video Coding
Video compression uses encoding to reduce the number of bits that are used for representing a video file in order to Continue reading
Measurement of Dispersion Barriers Through SEM Images
In this project, digital image analysis is applied to Scanning Electron Microscope images of dispersion barriers to Continue reading
Rich Intrinsic Image Separation for Multi-View Outdoor Scenes
Intrinsic images aim at separating an image into its reflectance and illumination components to facilitate further analysis or manipulation. This separation is severely Continue reading
Chinese input with Keyboard and Eye-tracking
Chinese input presents unique challenges to the field of human computer interaction. This study provides an anatomical analysis of today’s standard Chinese input process, which is based on Continue reading
Plaque Identification using Automated Image Enhancement
Image enhancement is a task of applying certain transformations to an original image for obtaining output image visually more pleasant, more detailed, or less noisy. The transformation usually requires Continue reading
Secure Fingerprint Verification based on Image Processing Segmentation using Computational Geometry Algorithms
In this paper, fingerprint segmentation for secure Internet verification purposes is investigated. The novel application of computational geometry algorithms in the fingerprint segmentation stage showed that the Continue reading