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Face Recognition Algorithms

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The goal of this ”proyecto fin de carrera” was to produce a review of the face detection and face recognition literature as comprehensive as possible. Face detection was included as a unavoidable preprocessing step for face recogntion, and as an issue by itself, because it presents its own difficulties and challenges, sometimes quite different from face recognition.

We have soon recognized that the amount of published information is unmanageable for a short term effort, such as required of a PFC, so in agreement with the supervisor we have stopped at a reasonable time, having reviewed most conventional face detection and face recognition approaches, leaving advanced issues, such as video face recognition or expression invariances, for the future work in the framework of a doctoral research.

I have tried to gather much of the mathematical foundations of the approaches reviewed aiming for a self contained work, which is, of course, rather difficult to produce. My supervisor encouraged me to follow formalism as close as possible, preparing this PFC report more like an academic report than an engineering project report.
Source: EHU
Author: Ion Marqu´es

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