In the virtual and widely distributed network, the process of handover sensitive data from the distributor to the trusted third parties always occurs regularly in this modern world. It needs to safeguard the security and durability of service based on the demand of users. The idea of modifying the data itself to detect the leakage is not a new approach. Generally, the sensitive data are leaked by the agents, and the specific agent is responsible for the leaked data should always be detected at an early stage.

Data Leakage Detection Using Cloud Computing
Thus, the detection of data from the distributor to agents is mandatory. This project presents a data leakage detection system using various allocation strategies and which assess the likelihood that the leaked data came from one or more agents. For secure transactions, allowing only authorized users to access sensitive data through access control policies shall prevent data leakage by sharing information only with trusted parties and also the data should be detected from leaking by means of adding fake record`s in the data set and which improves
probability of identifying leakages in the system. Then, finally it is decided to implement this
mechanism on a cloud server.
Source: IJETAE
Authors: V.Shobana | M.Shanmugasundaram
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