Listing out some of the Latest Big Data and Cloud Computing Project Topics for FInal Year Engineering Students with Free PDF Download. This article also contains the Top Mini Project Titles, Abstracts, IEEE Base Papers with Full Source Code.
Big Data and Cloud Computing:
- Big data is not only a term used to refer to big volume of data, but also used to mean a refreshing way of gathering, storing, organising and analysing numerous types of data.
- Cloud computing is the technology for sharing computer facilities instead of owning personal resources or in-house services to run programmes. Cloud computing is a term used to explain the storing and access data and applications through the internet.
IoT based Big Data and Cloud Computing Projects
- IOT Based Smart Farming System
Farming is a major input sector for economic development of any country. Livelihood of majority of population of the country like India depends on agriculture. In this project, it is proposed to develop a Smart Farming System that uses advantages of cutting edge technologies such as IoT, Wireless… - Enabling Energy-efficient Data Communication with Participatory Sensing and Mobile Cloud
This thesis proposes a novel power management solution for the resource-constrained devices in the context of Internet of Things (IoT). We focus on smartphones in the IoT, as they are getting increasingly popular and equipped with strong sensing capabilities… - A Data-Centric Framework for Development and Deployment of Internet of Things Applications in Clouds
As technology develops, more human-made devices are able to make use of Internet to communicate with each other, thus enabling the Internet of Things (IoT) era to emerge. The amount of data IoT entities generate can overwhelm computer infrastructures not prepared… - A Review on Internet of Things for Defense and Public Safety
The Internet of Things (IoT) is undeniably transforming the way that organizations communicate and organize everyday businesses and industrial procedures. Its adoption has proven well suited for sectors that manage a large number of assets and coordinate complex and distributed… - Current Challenges and Future Research Areas for Digital Forensic Investigation
Given the ever – increasing prevalence of technology in modern life, there is a corresponding increase in the likelihood of digital devices being pertinent to a criminal investigation or civil litigation. As a direct consequence, the number of investigations requiring digital forensic… - Bluetooth Low Energy Platform with Simblee
Bluetooth Low Energy provides a platform for many developers to implement low power communication for a wide range of applications. The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging concept that is gaining traction in the world of embedded systems. Bluetooth Low Energy is one… - Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) for Automated Mining Machinery
Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) was initiated on 1960s in Boeing company to optimize the maintenance process of aircrafts. Since that date, this method has been applied in wide range of industries and has provided a completely positive results and… - The Scalable and Accountable Binary Code Search and Its Applications
The past decade has been witnessing an explosion of various applications and devices. This big-data era challenges the existing security technologies: new analysis techniques should be scalable to handle “big data” scale code base… - Maximize Your Decision-Making: A Review of Emerging Technology Trends
The technology revolution has irrevocably disrupted every facet of our personal and professional lives. Technology is ubiquitous and evolving at a faster pace than we could have ever imagined. Some of the more drastic examples that we are all… - Contributions to Edge Computing
Efforts related to Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Machine to Machine (M2M) technologies, Industrial Internet, and Smart Cities aim to improve society through the coordination of distributed devices and analysis of resulting… - Chaos-based Encryption Keys and Neural Key-Store for Cloud-hosted Data Confidentiality
Cloud computing brings flexible and cost – effective services. However, security concerns plague the cloud. Data confidentiality is one of the security concerns inhibiting the adoption of cloud computing. This concern stems from various cyber… - Understanding the Performance of Low Power Raspberry Pi Cloud for Big Data
Nowadays, Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices generate data at high speed and large volume. Often the data require real-time processing to support high system responsiveness which can be supported by localised Cloud and/or Fog computing… - The Scalable and Accountable Binary Code Search and Its ApplicationsAn Effective Massive Sensor Network Data Access Scheme based on Topology Control for the Internet of Things
This paper considers the distributed access and control problem of massive wireless sensor networks’ data access center for the Internet of Things, which is an extension of wireless sensor networks and an element of its topology… - Research Challenges for the Internet of Things: What Role Can or Play?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an extension of the Internet in which large numbers of “things”, including sensors, actuators and processors, in addition to human users, are networked and able to provide high resolution data on their environment… - A Review of Smart Cities based on the Internet of Things Concept
With the expansion of smart meters, like the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), and the Internet of Things (IoT), each smart city is equipped with various kinds of electronic devices. Therefore, equipment and technologies enable us to be smarter… - Is the Internet-of-Things a Burden or a Leverage for the Human Condition?
The very common Internet citizen has a very restricted autonomous capacity to move through the network which is becoming the ever stretching milieu where our lives take place. At the same time, the capacity to manage relevant information… - One-Time URL: A Proximity Security Mechanism Between Internet of Things and Mobile Devices
The aim of this paper is to determine the physical proximity of connected things when they are accessed from a smartphone. Links between connected things and mobile communication devices are temporarily created by means of dynamic URLs (uniform resource locators) which… - A Gamification Framework for Sensor Data Analytics
The Internet of Things (IoT) enables connected objects to capture, communicate and collect information over the network through a multitude of sensors, setting the foundation for applications such as smart grids, smart cars, and smart cities. In this context, large scale analytics is needed to… - The Scalable and Accountable Binary Code Search and Its Applications
The past decade has been witnessing an explosion of various applications and devices. This big-data era challenges the existing security technologies: new analysis techniques should be scalable to handle “big data” scale code base; They should be become smart and proactive by using… - Search Techniques for the Web of Things: A Taxonomy and Survey
The Web of Things aims to make physical world objects and their data accessible through standard Web technologies to enable intelligent applications and sophisticated data analytics. Due to the amount and heterogeneity of the data, it is challenging to perform… - A Model for Anomalies Detection in Internet of Things (Iot) Using Inverse Weight Clustering and Decision Tree
Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the fast growing technologies today. It is a technology by which billions of smart objects or devices known as “Things” can use several types of sensors to collect various types of data about themselves and/or the surrounding environment. They can then… - An Investigation on a Mobile Robot in a ROS Enabled Cloud Robotics Environment
In modern day robotic applications, the use of cloud computing is being considered as a viable option giving rise to development of cloud robotics environment. Robots are also being developed to operate under an organized framework of robot operating system (ROS) for flexibility… - Towards Sustainable Water Supply: Schematic Development of Big Data Collection using Internet of Things (IoT)
Water supply systems in the United States connect raw water sources to hundreds of millions of water consumers through humongous infrastructure that include approximately one million miles of buried water mains and service connections and thousands of treatment facilities and… - Distributed Data Service for Data Management in Internet of Things Middleware
The development of the Internet of Things (IoT) is closely related to a considerable increase in the number and variety of devices connected to the Internet. Sensors have become a regular component of our environment, as well as smart phones and other devices that continuously collect data… - An Internet-of-Things (IoT) System Development and Implementation for Bathroom Safety Enhancement
Statistics show that a bathroom is one of the most hazardous places especially for older people. Older people typically have greater difficulties with mobility and balance, making them more vulnerable to fall and slip injuries in a bathroom and causing serious health issues related to short and… - Occupancy Estimation in Smart Building Using Hybrid Co2/light Wireless Sensor Network
Smart building, which delivers useful services to residents at lowest cost and maximum comfort, has gained increasing attention in recent years. A variety of emerging information technologies have been adopted in modern buildings, such as wireless sensor networks, internet of things… - Fog Computing With Go: A Comparative Study
The Internet of Things is a recent computing paradigm, defined by networks of highly connected things–sensors, actuators and smart objects–communicating across networks of homes, buildings, vehicles, and even people. The Internet of Things brings with it a host of new problems… - An Investigation on a Mobile Robot in a ROS Enabled Cloud Robotics Environment
In modern day robotic applications, the use of cloud computing is being considered as a viable option giving rise to development of cloud robotics environment. Robots are also being developed to operate under an organized framework of robot operating system (ROS) for flexibility… - Privacy in Cooperative Distributed Systems: Modeling and Protection Framework
A new form of computation is emerging rapidly with cloud computing, mobile computing, wearable computing and the Internet-of-Things. All can be characterized as a class of “Cooperative Distributed Systems” (CDS) in open environment. A major driver of the growth is the exponential…
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