Latest Networking based Projects, Project Topics and Free Downloads for Computer Engineering Students.
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Networking and Security Projects:

Computer Networking Projects
- Securing Network Connected Applications with Proposed Security Models
In today’s society, serious organizations need protection against both internal and external attacks. There are many different technologies available that organizations can incorporate into their organization in order to enhance… - Security issues with Mobile IP
With a rapid growth in wireless technology in recent years, Mobile IP has become very important for consumers and businesses by providing mobility based on IP addresses using several applications, which keep the… - Learner’s Interaction With Information and Communication Technologies
This Master’s thesis aims to explore how children and teen-agers (i.e. learners) interact and create a use for information and communication technology in the classroom during their lectures. The study is based on distributed cognition theory in order to describe a cognitive system which involves interactions among humans (i.e. learners),… - IP based Patient Monitoring System
This report is to suggest an IP based Patient Monitoring System (PMS) with an Open Architecture Approach Theory (OAAT). The PMS is based on latest buses connectivity, especially by using the TCP/IP protocol suite as an internal… - Advanced Honeypot Architecture for Network Threats Quantification
Today’s world is increasingly relying on computer networks. The increase in the use of network resources is followed by a rising volume of security problems. New threats and vulnerabilities are discovered everyday and affect users and… - Banian: A Cross-platform Interactive Query System for Structured Big Data
The rapid growth of structured data has presented new technological challenges in the research fields of big data and relational database. In this paper, we present an efficient system for managing and analyzing PB level structured… - Use of Information-Centric Networks in Revision Control Systems
NetInf and CCN are two Information-Centric Network approaches which are constructed to solve limitations of today’s Internet that was developed in the 60’s. Today’s Internet requires that datum is referred by its location. This is… - Trace Oblivious Program Execution
The big data era has dramatically transformed our lives; however, security incidents such as data breaches can put sensitive data (e.g. photos, identities, genomes) at risk. To protect users’ data privacy, there is a growing… - Tools for Static Code Analysis: A Survey
This study has investigated what different tools for static code analysis, with an emphasis on security, there exist and which of these that possibly could be used in a project at Ericsson AB in Linköping in which a HIGA… - Efficient and Secure Image and Video Processing and Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks
Sensor nodes forming a network and using wireless communications are highly useful in a variety of applications including battle field (military) surveillance, building security, medical and health services, environmental… - Design and Implementation of a Wi-Fi Based Home Automation System
This paper presents a design and prototype implementation of new home automation system that uses WiFi technology as a network infrastructure connecting its parts. The proposed system consists of two main components; the first part is… - Offload Decision Models and the Price of Anarchy in
With the maturity of technologies, such as HTML5 and JavaScript, and with the increasing popularity of cross-platform frameworks, such as Apache Cordova, mobile cloud computing as a new design paradigm of mobile application… - Web System Security
There is growing concern about current web security development. This project looks at common web system designs, the security threats to such designs and the security requirements for a networked system, thus understanding the… - Honeypots Revealed
IT Security instantly becomes an issue for anyone who connects their system to the Internet, either via a corporate network, an Internet Service Provider (ISP) from home or wireless device that can be used virtually anywhere when… - Efficient Secure Computation for Real-world Settings and Security Models
Secure computation involves multiple parties computing a common function while keeping their inputs private, and is a growing field of cryptography due to its potential for maintaining privacy guarantees in real-world applications… - An Analysis of Failure-Related Energy Waste in a Large-Scale Cloud Environment
Cloud computing providers are under great pressure to reduce operational costs through improved energy utilization while provisioning dependable service to customers; it is therefore extremely important to understand and quantify… - Network Admission Control (NAC) Securing End Point Devices
There have been remarkable growths in wireless communication networks in recent years; this is because of its merits over the wired networks such as Mobility and convenience. Wireless networks transmit the signal over the open air via… - Tunnel comparison between Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) and IP Security (IPSec)
Since the introduction of networks, they have been used amongst home users, companies and organizations and most damage on the network is due to inappropriate security configurations. To secure networks, a protocol suite can be… - Provable Security for Crypto-Currencies
The past several years have seen the surprising and rapid rise of Bitcoin and other “crypto-currencies.” These are decentralized peer-to-peer networks that allow users to transmit money, to compose financial instruments, and to…
>> Network Security based Project Topics and Ideas for Engineering Final Year Project
>> Computer Security based Projects for Engineering Students
Internet and Routing Project Topics for Students:
- Ontology Supported Personalized Search for Mobile Devices
Web search is a frequent activity on Internet connected devices, yet still a nuisance when user is using a mobile device, taking into consideration their limited keypad and screen, and that search results could be mostly irrelevant for… - Multi-View Video Transmission over the Internet
3D television using multiple views rendering is receiving increasing interest. In this technology a number of video sequences are transmitted simultaneously and provides a larger view of the scene or stereoscopic viewing experience… - Surf the roads?: Investigating a truck driver’s needs for a Web Browser in the truck cab
Long haul drivers spend a lot of time in their trucks which consequently serves as both a work place and a second home. The Internet, and communication and information technology can be used for both personal uses by the drivers, and lead to… - A Framework for a Multifaceted Electronic Voting System
The rapid advancement in information and communications technologies has given rise to new applications that were impossible just few years ago. One of these applications is e-voting. The term “e-voting” is defined as any voting method… - 3G and Internet Protocols Integration
In the Next Generation Network (NGN), all networks are speculatively expected to be converged to create a ubiquitous communicating environment that will enable one to avail seamless multimedia communication… - An Analysis of Failure-Related Energy Waste in a Large-Scale Cloud Environment
Cloud computing providers are under great pressure to reduce operational costs through improved energy utilization while provisioning dependable service to customers; it is therefore extremely important to understand and quantify the explicit impact… - The Online Presence of Non-Profit Cluster Organizations: A Study on Automation Region’s use of the Internet
This paper focuses on the Internet and more specifically on how non-profit organizations can use the Internet to enhance their online presence. Our choice of research object is Automation Region (AR), a non-profit cluster… - Analysis and Simulation of Threats in an Open, Decentralized, Distributed Spam Filtering System
The existence of spam email has gone from a fairly small amounts of a few hundred in the late 1970’s to several billions per day in 2010. This continually growing problem is of great concern to both businesses and users alike… - Facebook Blocket With Unsupervised Learning Filter
The Internet has become a valuable channel for both business-to-consumer and business-to-business e-commerce. It has changed the way for many companies to manage the business. Every day, more and more companies are… - Speech Interface for a Mobile Audio Application
Today almost everyone owns a mobile phone, adults along with teenagers and kids. Even laptops and other wearable devices such as personal digital assistants (PDA’s) are become more common. We want constant connectivity… - Dial over Data solution
The increased use of computer networks has lead to the adoption of Internet-based solutions for reducing telephony costs. This has proved to be a boon to callers who can reach the other party directly via the Internet… - M2M: A Simple MATLAB-to-Map Reduce Translator for Cloud Computing
MapReduce is a very popular parallel programming model for cloud computing platforms, and has become an effective method for processing massive data by using a cluster of computers. X-to-MapReduce (X is a program language) translator… - Evaluation and Implementation of SCADA Systems
In this study a comparison and evaluation of six different process visualization programs has been made. The purpose of the comparison is to find a suitable program for an experiment in control, held at Linköpings universitet… - Students experiences on eMesimi; an e-learning system in University of Prishtina, Kosova
Nowadays many universities in the world apply technology enhanced learning in order to help students. Due to potentials that technology enhanced learning offers, nowadays education in all contexts is using it and universities… - Rich Internet Applications for the Enterprise: A comparative study of WebWork and Java Web Start
Web applications initially became popular much thanks to low deployment costs and programming simplicity. However, as business requirements grow more complex, limitations in the web programming model might become evident… - TCP Performance in an EGPRS system
The most widely used protocol for providing reliable service and congestion control in the Internet is the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). When the Internet is moving towards more use in mobile applications it is getting… - Locality of Internet Traffic: An analysis based upon traffic in an IP access network
The rapid growth of Internet Traffic has emerged as a major issue due to the rapid development of various network applications and Internet services. One of the challenges facing Internet Service Providers (ISPs) is to optimize the performance… - 3G and Internet Protocols Integration
In the Next Generation Network (NGN), all networks are speculatively expected to be converged to create a ubiquitous communicating environment that will enable one to avail seamless multimedia communication… - Design and Implementation of a Wi-Fi Based Home Automation System
This paper presents a design and prototype implementation of new home automation system that uses WiFi technology as a network infrastructure connecting its parts. The proposed system consists of two main components; the first part… - Feasibility Study of a Plug-in Based Architecture for Mobile Blogging
New mobile phones provide a platform that enable users to easily upload content to the Internet, thanks to fast browsing through the network, high quality cameras, and interfaces that enable fast typing With these advantages, users… - Personalized Mobile Information Retrieval System
Building a global Network Relations with the internet has made huge changes in personal information system and even comments left on a webpage of SNS(Social Network Services) are appreciated as important elements… - Migrating the New Horizon website to WordPress
There are different problems associated with a static website, such as management and content update. To address these problems, one alternative is to use Content Management System (CMS), such as WordPress. This project describes… - Architecture Considerations for Video Conferencing in the Internet with Wireless Links
Multimedia applications are already supported over the Internet with application level adaptation mechanisms. However, wireless links have specific characteristics requiring that these adaptation mechanisms to be revisited… - Analysis and implementation of remote support for ESAB’s welding systems: using WeldPoint and web services
This study was written on behalf of ESAB Research and Development department, in Laxå Sweden. One of ESAB’s product areas is developing various welding systems.Today if ESAB’s customers experience a problem with one of… - Personalized Web Search For Improving Retrieval Effectiveness
Current web search engines are built to serve all users, independent of the special needs of any individual user. Personalization of web search is to carry out retrieval for each user incorporating his/her interests… - The Intranet and Information Quality
In this work, the quality of information in the Internet and intranet will be dealt with. What characterizes information of quality cannot be decided ones and for all, as it always will be in relation to the user’s needs… - Context-Based Personalization for Mobile Web Search
User experience while searching for web pages on the move can be far from satisfactory due to the inherent limitations of the input modes available in mobile devices. On the other hand, end-users can benefit from the… - Dynamically Personalizing Search Results for Mobile Users
We introduce a novel situation-aware approach to personalize search results for mobile users. By providing a mobile user with appropriate information that dynamically satisfies his interests according to his situation, we… - Personalized Web Search with Location Preferences
As the amount of Web information grows rapidly, search engines must be able to retrieve information according to the user’s preference. In this paper, we propose a new web search personalization approach that captures the user’s… - Context-aware Personalized Mobile Web Search Techniques – A Review
The advent of the Web has raised different searching and querying problems. Keyword matching based querying techniques used by various search engines, return thousands of Web documents for a single query, and most of… - A Mobile Web Focused Search Engine Using Implicit Feedback
The diverse back grounds of Web users lead to the notion of personalized search engines. Traditional search engines normally provide the same ranked search results to everyone. The concept of “one ranking fits all” of… - Mobile Web Search Personalization using Ontological User Profile
Most present day search engines have a deterministic behavior in the sense that they return the same search results for all users who submit the same query at a certain time. They do not take the users interests and… - An Internet Voting System Supporting User Privacy
This work introduces the ADDER system, an Internet based, free and open source electronic voting system which employs strong cryptography. Our system is a fully functional e-voting platform and enjoys a number of security… - Intelligent Student Profiling with Fuzzy Models
Traditional Web-based educational systems still have several shortcomings when comparing with a real-life classroom teaching, such as lack of contextual and adaptive support, lack of flexible support of the presentation and feedback, lack of the… - Towards a Classification of Design Patterns for Web Programming
The evolution of WWW leads to continuous growth of demands that are placed on web applications that results in creating sophisticated web architectures. To minimize the complexity behind their design, software frameworks were introduced… - Secure Fingerprint Verification based on Image Processing Segmentation using Computational Geometry Algorithms
In this paper, fingerprint segmentation for secure Internet verification purposes is investigated. The novel application of computational geometry algorithms in the fingerprint segmentation stage showed that the extracted feature… - Distributed Case Based Reasoning for Intelligent Tutoring System: An Agent Based Student Modeling Paradigm
(ITS) is becoming very popular where the system models the student’s learning behavior and presents to the student the learning material (content, questions-answers, assignments) accordingly. In today’s distributed computing environment… - Component Based Electronic Voting Systems
An electronic voting system may be said to be composed by a number of components, each of which has a number of properties. One of the most attractive effects of this way of thinking is that each component may have an attached… - FiLDB: An Architecture for Securely Connecting Databases to the Internet
Today more and more Information systems exist and they contain more and more information. Many information systems contain information about people that is secret or sensitive. Such information should not be allowed to leak… - PMSE: A Personalized Mobile Search Engine
We propose a personalized mobile search engine, PMSE, that captures the user’s preferences in the form of concepts by mining their clickthrough data. Due to the importance of location information in mobile search, PMSE classifies these… - Visually impaired and websites: how to improve websites to make it accessible for visually impaired
The modern IT society is based on Internet access, and many corporations, organizations and persons take advantage of the increased accessibility and flexibility that the Internet provides for products, services and information…
>> More Internet based Networking Projects with Free Downloads
>> Internet & Free Internet Computing Project Reports for B.E/B.Tech Students
Real-Time Networking based Computer Ideas:
- Streaming Explanograms: Networking for Real-Time Wireless Collaboration
The project goal is to implement a client program and test server to support streaming collaborative interaction using state of the art PDA and Bluetooth pen technologies. The project builds on an existing prototype solution… - Architecture for Secure SCADA and Distributed Control System(DCS) Networks
Industrial control systems are an integral part of the critical infrastructures of electric, water, oil/gas, chemicals, pipelines, and transportation. The capabilities of networking these systems provide unprecedented opportunities to… - Improving the Search Mechanism for Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks Using the Statistical Matrix Form
In a traditional file search mechanism, such as flooding, a peer broadcasts a query to its neighbors through an unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) network until the time-to-live decreases to zero. A major disadvantage of flooding… - Efficient Secure Computation for Real-world Settings and Security Models
Secure computation involves multiple parties computing a common function while keeping their inputs private, and is a growing field of cryptography due to its potential for maintaining privacy guarantees in real-world applications…
>> More Real-Time CSE Projects with Full Source Code
Protocol based Networking Computer Engineering Project Topics for Students:
- Design and Implementation of a Generic Communication Protocol for use in an IPTV Environment
With the presence of smartphones and tablets people are getting used to control their technical devices at home with custom applications. This study explores the possibility of controlling an IP Set-Top-Box from an external device… - Arm-P: Almost Reliable Multicast Protocol
Distribution of information across IP based networks is today part of our everyday life. IP is the backbone of the Internet and most office networks. We use IP to access web pages, listen to radio, and to create computation clusters… - Inference and Abstraction of Communication Protocols
In this project we investigate to infer models of standard communication protocols using automata learning techniques. One obstacle is that automata learning has been developed for machines with relatively small alphabets… - Analysis of Interference and Performance in Heterogeneously Deployed LTE systems
Heterogeneous network deployment has been advocated as a mean to enhance the performance of cellular networks, but at the same time heterogeneous deployments give rise to new interference scenarios which are not seen in… - 3G and Internet Protocols Integration
In the Next Generation Network (NGN), all networks are speculatively expected to be converged to create a ubiquitous communicating environment that will enable one to avail seamless multimedia communication… - A Tailorable Infrastructure to Enhance Mobile Seamless Learning
The widespread use of mobile devices is leading towards their adoption in the learning process, even if some pedagogical challenges are still not fully addressed when integrating mobile-assisted activities into regular… - Conflict Detection in DeeDS
In distributed database systems, immediate global consistency of replicated data can be achieved by distributed commit protocols that are typically unpredictable. If real-time characteristics are necessary, such unpredictability… - Automating a test strategy for a Protocol Decoder Tool
Within Ericsson AB, integration and verification activities is done on the network level in order to secure the functionality of the network. Protocol analysers are used to capture the traffic in the network… - Study of security aspects for Session Initiation Protocol
The objective with this study is to describe security mechanisms that are integrated or are proposed to be integrated with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). SIP is used for establishing, modifying, and terminating multimedia sessions over… - Implementation of a Delay-Tolerant Routing Protocol in the Network Simulator NS-3
Small mobile devices with networking capabilities are becoming more and more readily available and used. These devices can be used to form mobile ad hoc networks to communicate, where no infrastructure for network communication… - “Halfpipe Active Channel”- Developing a Secure Communications Protocol
With the advent of powerful multimedia capable mobile phones, the market for mobile services is flourishing. Zenterio AB’s Halfpipe Active Desktop is a complete distributed mobile service platform a with a powerful server and… - The Construction of a Pan-tilt Unit With Two Digital Cameras and a PC Interface
This project describes the construction and assembly of a prototype for one Pan-Tilt unit equipped with two digital cameras. The purpose of the unit is to control horizontal and vertical moments of the cameras and at the same time… - IP based Patient Monitoring System
This report is to suggest an IP based Patient Monitoring System (PMS) with an Open Architecture Approach Theory (OAAT). The PMS is based on latest buses connectivity, especially by using the TCP/IP protocol suite as an internal… - A Distributed Approach to Context-Aware Networks: Prototype System Design, Implementation, and Evaluation
Utilizing context information and in networks, enabling network services to act upon context information, and exchanging context information with applications, constitutes an important new approach to designing communication systems and central to… - Analysis and Simulation of Threats in an Open, Decentralized, Distributed Spam Filtering System
The existence of spam email has gone from a fairly small amounts of a few hundred in the late 1970’s to several billions per day in 2010. This continually growing problem is of great concern to both businesses and users alike… - Streaming Explanograms: Networking for Real-Time Wireless Collaboration
The project goal is to implement a client program and test server to support streaming collaborative interaction using state of the art PDA and Bluetooth pen technologies. The project builds on an existing prototype solution… - TCP Performance in an EGPRS system
The most widely used protocol for providing reliable service and congestion control in the Internet is the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). When the Internet is moving towards more use in mobile applications it is getting more… - Open Source SIP Application Servers For IMS Applications
In an IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) network there are Application Servers (ASs) which host and execute services. These are often SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) servers. The goal for this thesis was to evaluate a selection of open… - Wap Usage In Sweden: Could i-mode be an option?
Since the beginning of the 21st century mobile phone usage has had a big growth. Together with developed techniques from the Internet conditions for a new market emerged – mobile Internet. Europe, North America and Japan took the lead… - Dynamic Conflict-Free Transmission Scheduling for Sensor Network Queries
With the emergence of high data rate sensor network applications, there is an increasing demand for high-performance query services. To meet this challenge, we propose Dynamic Conflict-free Query Scheduling (DCQS), a novel scheduling… - An Internet Voting System Supporting User Privacy
This work introduces the ADDER system, an Internet based, free and open source electronic voting system which employs strong cryptography. Our system is a fully functional e-voting platform and enjoys a number of security properties… - Voice Mail System for IP Multimedia Sub-system
The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) framework as an architectural framework to deliver multimedia services is under rapid development, to become the next generation telecommunication service framework. The objective of this work is to design… - Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Computation
Quantum Cryptography uses the principles of Quantum Mechanics to implement a cryptographic system. The key problem which is solved by using quantum techniques is that of eavesdropping detection. Conventional secret-key… - How to Implement Multi-Master Replication in Polyhedra: Using Full Replication and Eventual ConsistencyA distributed, real-time database could be used to implement a shared whiteboard architecture used for communication between mobile nodes, in an ad-hoc network. This kind of application implies specific requirements…
>> More Protocol based Networking Projects for Computer Science Projects with Full Project Reports
Wireless Networking based Engineering Project Ideas for Students:
- Cascading Web Services in Mobile Environments: Bridging Wireless and Wired Networks for Data Transactions
Cascading Web Services represent a collection of services offered in a system consisting of multiple devices and multiple interacting platform independent networks. ‘Cascading’ enables Web Services to exploit access in diverse environments… - XML as a Format for Representation and Manipulation of Data from Radar Communications
XML was designed to be a new standard for marking up data on the web. However, as a result of its extensible and flexible properties, XML is now being used more and more for other purposes than was originally intended… - Streaming Explanograms: Networking for Real-Time Wireless Collaboration
The project goal is to implement a client program and test server to support streaming collaborative interaction using state of the art PDA and Bluetooth pen technologies. The project builds on an existing prototype solution… - Dynamic Conflict-Free Transmission Scheduling for Sensor Network Queries
With the emergence of high data rate sensor network applications, there is an increasing demand for high-performance query services. To meet this challenge, we propose Dynamic Conflict-free Query Scheduling (DCQS), a novel scheduling… - Dynamic Cache Consistency Schemes for Wireless Cellular Networks
Caching frequently accessed data objects at the local buffer of a mobile user (MU) has been found to be very effective in improving information availability in mobile wireless environments. Several mechanisms have been proposed…
>> Wireless Networking Project Base Papers for Engineering Students
TCP based Networking Project Free Downloads:
- TCP Performance in an EGPRS system
The most widely used protocol for providing reliable service and congestion control in the Internet is the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). When the Internet is moving towards more use in mobile applications it is getting more important… - Streaming Explanograms: Networking for Real-Time Wireless Collaboration
The project goal is to implement a client program and test server to support streaming collaborative interaction using state of the art PDA and Bluetooth pen technologies. The project builds on an existing prototype solution… - Tunnel comparison between Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) and IP Security (IPSec)
Since the introduction of networks, they have been used amongst home users, companies and organizations and most damage on the network is due to inappropriate security configurations. To secure networks, a protocol suite can be used… - Middleware for Adaptive Network Connectivity
As the coverage of modern wireless technologies expands, today’s mobile phones and PDAs often have a range of heterogeneous networks to which they may connect. It would benefit mobile applications to use the network which best…
Networking and Security Projects:
- Java applications for a Bluetooth Platform
The proliferation of sophisticated electronic devices and growth of computer networking have provided motivation for the development of Bluetooth standard. This short range wireless technology allows different types of consumer devices… - Implementation of Bluetooth Baseband Behavioral Model in C Language
The purpose of the project is to set up a baseband behavioral model for a Bluetooth system based on standards. A brief introduction of Bluetooth specifications is given in the report and the background knowledge for implementation of this… - Java applications for a Bluetooth Platform
The proliferation of sophisticated electronic devices and growth of computer networking have provided motivation for the development of Bluetooth standard. This short range wireless technology allows different types of… - Cascading Web Services in Mobile Environments: Bridging Wireless and Wired Networks for Data Transactions
Cascading Web Services represent a collection of services offered in a system consisting of multiple devices and multiple interacting platform independent networks. ‘Cascading’ enables Web Services to exploit access in diverse… - Streaming Explanograms: Networking for Real-Time Wireless Collaboration
The project goal is to implement a client program and test server to support streaming collaborative interaction using state of the art PDA and Bluetooth pen technologies. The project builds on an existing prototype solution… - Sending and Receiving Data between Mobile and Data Logger
The goal of this project is to develop Mobile application using Bluetooth API to communicate with Data Logger and to receive the data and display on the screen. Special option should be created for the user to send the received data to web server… - Designing Home Automation System (HAS) using Java ME for Mobile Phone
Home automation means to control home appliances and their characteristics like on and off, speed, volume and dimming. Since last few years, ICT (Information Communication Technology) have been increasingly embedded into surroundings… - GSM SMS Controller Using Bluetooth Cellular Phone and BTSerial1
The project is a GSM SMS Controller without using any GSM modem. This is using the BTSerial1 module which wirelessly connects to a Bluetooth cellular phone to the PIC16LF876A’s serial port…
GPS and GSM based Final Year Project Downloads:
- Intelligent Tourist Information System
Nowadays people use mobile phones and other mobile devices. Most of us have a small computing device that is always with us. People use it example for calling, as calendar and organizer. Mobile devices with GPS receiver are also used to find paths… - Checking the integrity of Global Positioning Recommended Minimum (GPRMC) sentences using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
In this study, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is used to check the integrity of the Global Positioning Recommended Minimum (GPRMC) sentences. The GPRMC sentences are the most common sentences transmitted by the Global Positioning… - Graphics System in Vehicle Electronics
In this project three problems areas are studied related to embedded system and device driver programming: a GPS driver, the CAN Bus and study of graphics libraries suitable for embedded systems. The project has two parts… - A Mobile Distributed System for Personal Security
The goal of this system is to provide a location based alarm system through which customers can broadcast their last known position in emergency situations. Imagine that you are hiking in the forest alone and don’t know how to get back… - Designing a non-distractive Center-stack Interaction
Car brands are today competing over having the most advanced technology in their cars. The drivers today control the stereo which include radio, CD, MP3 and satellite radio. They also control the climate, the GPS, surf the Internet… - Witches, Warlocks and Traffic Encounters: Designing the interaction for an Ad hoc Gaming Experience
This thesis explores the problems and possibilities concerning the interaction between players physically located in different cars during temporary meetings in a gaming situation. The thesis is part of a study set out to investigate how traffic… - Content Visualization of Geo Audio Notes
The total population of GPS-enabled location-based services (LBS) subscribers is constantly increasing. This fact implies new research possibilities for visualizing geospatial data produced by these mobile devices. The aim of…
>> More Latest GPS and GSM based Project Topics and Ideas with Free Downloads