Design, Simulation and Model based Final Year Student Project Downloads:
Design based B.E/B.Tech Project Free Downloads:

Design, Modeling and Simulation based Computer Projects
- Computer Vision in the Space of Light Rays: Plenoptic Videogeometry and Polydioptric Camera Design
Most of the cameras used in computer vision, computer graphics, and image processing applications are designed to capture images that are similar to the images we see with our eyes. This enables an easy interpretation of the visual information… - Designing a User Interface for Web Based Project Management in Film Production
The aim of this project is to create a user interface for a web based film production project management portal. This implies creating a site map and a functionality specification based on the needs of the people working in the film production industry… - Balancing Dependability Quality Attributes for Increased Embedded Systems Dependability
Embedded systems are used in many critical applications where a failure can have serious consequences. Therefore, achieving a high level of dependability is an ultimate goal. However, in order to achieve this goal we are in need of understanding… - Evaluation of the Security of Components in Distributed Information Systems
This project suggests a security evaluation framework for distributed information systems, responsible for generating a system modelling technique and an evaluation method. The framework is flexible and divides the problem space… - Provable Security for Crypto-Currencies
The past several years have seen the surprising and rapid rise of Bitcoin and other “crypto-currencies.” These are decentralized peer-to-peer networks that allow users to transmit money, to compose financial instruments, and to enforce… - Facial Rigging and Animation in 3D: From a videogame perspective
What are some of the methods for rigging and animating a face in 3D and which method is preferable when and under which circumstances? In this report I will examine a few of the different methods available when rigging and animating a face in 3D… - Impact of Embedded Software Design Decisions on the Product Life Cycle Process
Software design decisions were considered in this study, as the possibly principal factor for unplanned adjustments related to the embedded software handling, at production and service processes. The study reveals an increase of requirement changes… - A Tailorable Infrastructure to Enhance Mobile Seamless Learning
The widespread use of mobile devices is leading towards their adoption in the learning process, even if some pedagogical challenges are still not fully addressed when integrating mobile-assisted activities into regular curricula activities… - How to Implement Multi-Master Replication in Polyhedra: Using Full Replication and Eventual Consistency
A distributed, real-time database could be used to implement a shared whiteboard architecture used for communication between mobile nodes, in an ad-hoc network. This kind of application implies specific requirements on how the database… - Learner’s Interaction With Information and Communication Technologies
This Master’s thesis aims to explore how children and teen-agers (i.e. learners) interact and create a use for information and communication technology in the classroom during their lectures. The study is based on distributed cognition… - A Usability Framework for the Design and Evaluation of an Exploratory Geovisualization Environment
The exploration of large geospatial data for finding patterns and understanding underlying processes is one of the challenges in geovisualization research. New methods are needed for effective extraction of patterns and appropriate visualization… - Efficient Secure Computation for Real-world Settings and Security Models
Secure computation involves multiple parties computing a common function while keeping their inputs private, and is a growing field of cryptography due to its potential for maintaining privacy guarantees in real-world applications… - Design and Implementation of the MMS Portal
MMS-enabled terminals on the market today are very complicated to use. It takes several steps to create a multi-slide MMS-message with images and text. This discourages users from using it. To increase usage of MMS, several companies provide web-based… - Design of Online Auction System with Alternative Currencies
The University of Maryland has one of the most popular Basketball programs in the region. About 35,000 students seek 4,000 free student tickets allocated for every home game. An auction-based system provides a procedure to achieve… - Design and Implementation of an Electronic Voting System with Contactless IC Cards
In the past, people go to polling place and take the blank ballots, then punch a hole or append the seal. If the seal is not clear enough, or the vote is damaged by soiling, it may bring some debate on the result. In order to resolve these situations… - Software Defined Networking With Pseudonym Systems for Secure Vehicular Clouds
The vehicular cloud is a promising new paradigm, where vehicular networking and mobile cloud computing are elaborately integrated to enhance the quality of vehicular information services. Pseudonym is a resource for vehicles… - Streamlining Search User Interfaces on the Smartphone: An Experimental Study of Comparing Different GUI Versions of Karolinska Institutet’s Search Solution
The presentation of the search result information has become more important ever since the rapid development and use of smartphones. This thesis investigated what makes search engine result pages efficient and effective… - A Distributed Approach to Context-Aware Networks: Prototype System Design, Implementation, and Evaluation
Utilizing context information and in networks, enabling network services to act upon context information, and exchanging context information with applications, constitutes an important new approach to designing communication systems and central to… - Developing a Computer-based Information System to Improve the Diagnosis of Blood Anemia
Design and implementation of a computer- based information system by utilizing a developed methodology is presented in this thesis. This methodology includes a set of procedures and processes to analyze blood smear images (image reading, preprocessing… - A Scientifically Experimental Approach to the Simulation of Designer Activity in the Conceptual Designing of Software Intensive Systems
The success of designing software intensive systems (SISs) may be improved by incorporating experimentation to be part of the design process. This paper presents a scientific approach to experimentation on objects… - Design and Implementation of a Generic Communication Protocol for use in an IPTV Environment
With the presence of smartphones and tablets people are getting used to control their technical devices at home with custom applications. This study explores the possibility of controlling an IP Set-Top-Box from an external device… - Design Patterns for Multi-Agent Systems
Design patterns document a field’s systematic knowledge derived from experiences. Despite the vast body of work in the field of multi-agent systems (MAS), design patterns for MAS are not popular among software practitioners… - Witches, Warlocks and Traffic Encounters: Designing the interaction for an Ad hoc Gaming Experience
This thesis explores the problems and possibilities concerning the interaction between players physically located in different cars during temporary meetings in a gaming situation. The thesis is part of a study set out to investigate how traffic encounters… - Architectural Design of a Conformative Authentication Service for Security Platforms
Authentication services in security platforms often need to handle different types of systems which have various requirements regarding the authentication. These requirements can often interfere with each other and the issue here is that the authentication… - A Client-Side Design and Implementation for Push to Talk over Cellular Service
This paper proposes a client architecture for the Push to Talk over Cellular (PoC) service based on the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) PoC specifications v1.0 release. We show that most standard VoIP modules can be reused for the PoC client… - XML as a Format for Representation and Manipulation of Data from Radar Communications
XML was designed to be a new standard for marking up data on the web. However, as a result of its extensible and flexible properties, XML is now being used more and more for other purposes than was originally intended… - Integrating Requirements Authoring and Design Tools for Heterogeneous and Multicore Embedded Systems
In today’s practical reality there are many different tools being used in their respective phases of the system development lifecycle. Every tool employs its own underlying meta model and these meta models tend to vary greatly… - Graphics System in Vehicle Electronics
In this project three problems areas are studied related to embedded system and device driver programming: a GPS driver, the CAN Bus and study of graphics libraries suitable for embedded systems. The project has two parts: an academic study… - Granode – A proposal for a new game design tool
When creating computer games it is necessary to use extensive documentation so that everybody involved in the creative process is up to date. This paper has investigated what prospects there are to improve the GDD process to a more updated version that would be… - Design and Implementation of a Prototype Home Media System for an IP-based Settop Box
This study covers design and implementation of a media system solution for home networks with personal computers and a set-top box. In a home there are effectively two independent media systems with the same purpose: the personal computer… - Designing a Tablet Application for an Emergency Department: The implications of context on concept development and interface design
Mobile devices are becoming more common in health care and studies show that they can contribute with a lot of benefits. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate what important factors should be considered when designing an application for a tablet computer… - Design and Implementation of a Constraint Satisfaction Algorithm for Meal Planning
The world’s population is ageing. Due to societal improvements in healthcare, living standards, and socio-economic status, more and more people are living to old age. The proportion of the world’s population aged 65 or over is expected to increase… - Design and Implementation of an Audio Codec (AMR-WB) using Dataflow Programming Language CAL in the OpenDF Environment
Over the last three decades, computer architects have been able to achieve an increase in performance for single processors by, e.g., increasing clock speed, introducing cache memories and using instruction level parallelism. However, because of power… - Towards a Classification of Design Patterns for Web Programming
The evolution of WWW leads to continuous growth of demands that are placed on web applications that results in creating sophisticated web architectures. To minimize the complexity behind their design, software frameworks…
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Modeling based Computer Engineering Project Topics:
- Bidirectional External Function Interface Between Modelica/MetaModelica and Java
A complete Java interface to OpenModelica has been created, supporting both standard Modelica and the metamodeling extensions in MetaModelica. It is bidirectional, and capable of passing both standard Modelica data types, as well as abstract… - Modelica PARallel benchmark suite (MPAR) – A test suite for Evaluating the Performance of Parallel Simulations of Modelica Models
Using the object-oriented, equation-based modeling language Modelica, it is possible to model and simulate computationally intensive models. To reduce the simulation time, a desirable approach is to perform the simulations on parallel multi-core platforms… - Efficiency indicators for Enterprise Modelling Methods and Enterprise Models
At the present time, when enterprises have tendency for constant improvements, different tools are used to analyze current state of the business and to introduce organizational changes. Enterprise Modeling is one of these tools… - Automatic Transcript Generator for Podcast Files
In the modern world, Internet has become a popular place, people with speech hearing disabilities and search engines can’t take part of speech content in podcast les. In order to solve the problem partially, the Sphinx decoders… - Modeling the Worm and Detection of the Camouflaging Worm
Active worms major security threats to the Internet. This is due to the ability of active worms to propagate in an automated fashion as they continuously compromise computers on the Internet. Active worms evolve during their propagation… - Developing a new 2D-Plotting Package for OpenModelica
OpenModelica is an open-source based development environment for Modelica, and an open source modelling and simulation platform. One of the main reasons for this thesis is the desire to change the existing plotting package into something more future… - Incremental Compilation and Dynamic Loading of Functions in OpenModelica
Advanced development environments are essential for efficient realization of complex industrial products. Powerful equation-based object-oriented (EOO) languages such as Modelica are successfully used for modeling and virtual prototyping complex physical… - Automatic Modeling and Simulation of Networked Components
Testing and verification are essential to safe and consistent products. Simulation is a widely accepted method used for verification and testing of distributed components. Generally, one of the major hurdles in using simulation is the development… - Modeling Class of Software Vulnerabilities with Vulnerability Cause Graphs
Vulnerabilities discovered in software are not only due to programming errors but also due to design flaws. There are a number of methods to avoid design flaws which are all manual processes and need expertise. We believe that the… - Comparison of Variability Modeling Techniques
Variability in complex systems offering rich set of features is a serious challenge to their users in term of flexibility with many possible variants for different application contexts and maintainability. During the long period of time, much effort has… - Computational methods to improve Genome Assembly and Gene Prediction
DNA sequencing is used to read the nucleotides composing the genetic material that forms individual organisms. As IInd generation sequencing technologies offering high throughput at a feasible cost have matured, sequencing has permeated… - Adaptive Kernel Density Approximation and Its Applications to Real-Time Computer Vision
Density-based modeling of visual features is very common in computer vision research due to the uncertainty of observed data; so accurate and simple density representation is essential to improve the quality of overall systems. Even though various… - Meta-Model Guided Error Correction for UML Models
Modeling is a complex process which is quite hard to do in a structured and controlled way. Many companies provide a set of guidelines for model structure, naming conventions and other modeling rules. Using meta-models to describe these guidelines… - Evaluation of the Security of Components in Distributed Information Systems
This project suggests a security evaluation framework for distributed information systems, responsible for generating a system modelling technique and an evaluation method. The framework is flexible and divides the problem space… - Telecom Customer Service Information Model
A customer service unit in the telecom industry is a stressful and difficult work environment. The information is spread throughout many systems and it is not always easy to keep track of or use it in the most efficient way. The telecom industry… - Interaction and Influences in an Open-Source Eco System
The development of open source software has gone from a model characterized by skilled software developers that developed open source software for their own interest and their own needs to a model that is more business friendly and more… - Research Ontology Data Models for Data and Metadata Exchange Repository
For researches in the field of the data mining and machine learning the necessary condition is an availability of various input data set. Now researchers create the databases of such sets. Examples of the following systems are… - Intelligent Student Profiling with Fuzzy Models
Traditional Web-based educational systems still have several shortcomings when comparing with a real-life classroom teaching, such as lack of contextual and adaptive support, lack of flexible support of the presentation and feedback, lack of the… - Modelling and Simulation of Unknown Factors in Simulation Based Acquisition
When a new product should be acquired, a model over its functionality is made. A quite new idea in the military area is to use simulations to find out what and how much to acquire. Since the product never has been on the market before it is hard to know how… - Chinese input with Keyboard and Eye-tracking
Chinese input presents unique challenges to the field of human computer interaction. This study provides an anatomical analysis of today’s standard Chinese input process, which is based on pinyin, a phonetic spelling system in Roman characters… - Impact of Embedded Software Design Decisions on the Product Life Cycle Process
Software design decisions were considered in this study, as the possibly principal factor for unplanned adjustments related to the embedded software handling, at production and service processes. The study reveals an increase of requirement changes during the last phases… - Modeling and Detection of Camouflaging Worm using IP Traceback
Active worms pose major security threats to the Internet. This is due to the ability of active worms to propagate in an automated fashion as they continuously compromise computers on the Internet. Active worms evolve during their propagation, and thus… - Distributed Case Based Reasoning for Intelligent Tutoring System: An Agent Based Student Modeling Paradigm
(ITS) is becoming very popular where the system models the student’s learning behavior and presents to the student the learning material (content, questions-answers, assignments) accordingly. In today’s distributed computing environment, the…
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Simulation based Engineering Projects for CSE Students:
- Analysis and Simulation of Threats in an Open, Decentralized, Distributed Spam Filtering System
The existence of spam email has gone from a fairly small amounts of a few hundred in the late 1970’s to several billions per day in 2010. This continually growing problem is of great concern to both businesses and users alike. One attempt to combat… - Automatic Modeling and Simulation of Networked Components
Testing and verification are essential to safe and consistent products. Simulation is a widely accepted method used for verification and testing of distributed components. Generally, one of the major hurdles in using simulation is the development of detailed and accurate… - Scheduling in Grid Computing Systems
Grid computing involves employing multiple machines to solve complex computing problems. For my project I have simulated a grid computing system based on a cluster of machines located at the University of Calgary. Data was collected from this system… - Ant Algorithm for Grid Scheduling Problem
Grid computing is a form of distributed computing that involves coordinating and sharing computing, application, data storage or network resources across dynamic and geographically dispersed organizations. The goal of grid task… - A Caching Model for Real-Time Databases in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Although caching has been shown to be an efficient technique to improve the performance of database systems, it also introduces the overhead and complexity in maintaining data consistency between the primary copies on servers and the cached… - Flexible Data Dissemination Strategy for Effective Cache Consistency in Mobile Wireless Communication Networks
In mobile wireless communication network, caching data items at the mobile clients is important to reduce the data access delay. However, efficient cache invalidation strategies are used to ensure the consistency between the data in the cache of… - Towards Many-Core Processor Simulation on Cloud Computing Platforms
Growth of interest and need for many-core systems have steadily increased over the recent years. Industry trends lead many-core systems to become increasingly larger and more complex. Because of these realities it is important to researchers, academia, and industry… - GPU-Accelerated Visualization of Scattered Point Data
As data sets continue to grow in size, visualization has become a vitally important tool for extracting meaningful knowledge. Scattered point data, which are unordered sets of point coordinates with associated measured values, arise in… - A Simulation Environment For Automatic Night Driving And Visual Control
This project consists on developing an automatic night driving system in a simulation environment. The simulator I have used is TORCS. TORCS is an Open Source car racing simulator written in C++. It is used as an ordinary car racing game, as a IA racing… - Modelica PARallel benchmark suite (MPAR) – A test suite for Evaluating the Performance of Parallel Simulations of Modelica Models
Using the object-oriented, equation-based modeling language Modelica, it is possible to model and simulate computationally intensive models. To reduce the simulation time, a desirable approach is to perform the simulations on parallel multi-core platforms… - Multi-sensor Cloud and Aerosol Retrieval Simulator and Its Applications
Executing a cloud or aerosol physical properties retrieval algorithm from controlled synthetic data is an important step in retrieval algorithm development. Synthetic data can help answer questions about the sensitivity and performance of the… - A QoS Guided Scheduling Algorithm for Grid Computing
ask scheduling is an integrated component of computing. With the emergence of grid and ubiquitous computing, newer challenges have arisen in task scheduling. Unlike traditional parallel computing, grid is a shared enterprising environment… - Potential for increasing the size of NETSim simulations through OS
This study investigates if it is possible to increase the size of the simulations running on NETSim, Network Element Test Simulator, on a specific hardware and operating system. NETSim is a simulator for operation and maintenance of telecommunication networks… - Avoiding Cracks between Terrain Segments in a Visual Terrain Database
To be able to run a flight simulator a large area of terrain needs to be visualized. The simulator must update the screen in real-time to make the simulation work well. One way of managing large terrains is to tile the area into quadratic tiles to be… - Epidemic Content Distribution in Mobile Networks
With the growing popularity of integrating mobile networks and social networks, people now enjoy a freer and more efficient means of communication. Smarter mobile devices facilitate modern human life. In the information age, various new types of information… - Implementation of a Delay-Tolerant Routing Protocol in the Network Simulator NS-3
Small mobile devices with networking capabilities are becoming more and more readily available and used. These devices can be used to form mobile ad hoc networks to communicate, where no infrastructure for network communication exist or where it has been… - Seam Tracking in a Complex Aerospace Component for Laser Welding
This project is a result of collaboration between the University of Trollhättan/Uddevalla and Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan. An aerospace component, which is used in a process at Volvo Aero Corporation, is casted in one piece. A new way of manufacturing… - Efficient implementation of the Particle Level Set method
The Particle Level set method is a successful extension to Level set methods to improve the volume preservation in fluid simulations. This study will analyze how sparse volume data structures can be used to store both the signed distance function and… - GPU accelerated Nonlinear Soft Tissue Deformation
There are two types of structures in human body, solid organs and hollow membrane like organs. Brain, liver and other soft tissues such as tendons, muscles, cartilage etc., are examples of solid organs. Colon and blood vessels are examples of hollow organs… - Analysis of Interference and Performance in Heterogeneously Deployed LTE systems
Heterogeneous network deployment has been advocated as a mean to enhance the performance of cellular networks, but at the same time heterogeneous deployments give rise to new interference scenarios which are not seen in homogeneous deployments… - Improving the Search Mechanism for Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks Using the Statistical Matrix Form
In a traditional file search mechanism, such as flooding, a peer broadcasts a query to its neighbors through an unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) network until the time-to-live decreases to zero. A major disadvantage of flooding is that… - Workflow Scheduling Algorithms for Grid Computing
Workflow scheduling is one of the key issues in the management of workflow execution. Scheduling is a process that maps and manages execution of inter-dependent tasks on distributed resources. It introduces allocating suitable resources to workflow… - A Comparison among Grid Scheduling Algorithms for Independent Coarse-Grained Tasks
The most common objective function of task scheduling problems is makespan. However, on a computational grid, the 2nd optimal makespan may be much longer than the optimal makespan because the computing power of a grid varies over time… - Cognitive And Usability Issues In Geovisualization
We provide a research agenda for the International Cartographic Association’s Commission on Visualization and Virtual Environment working group on Cognitive and Usability Issues in Geovisualization. Developments in hardware and software have led to… - Evaluation of a Method for Identifying Timing Models
In today’s world, embedded systems which have very large and highly configurable software systems, consisting of hundreds of tasks with huge lines of code and mostly with real-time constraints, has replaced the traditional systems… - A Task Scheduling Algorithm Based on PSO for Grid Computing
Grid computing is a high performance computing environment to solve larger scale computational demands. Grid computing contains resource management, task scheduling, security problems, information management and so on. Task scheduling is a fundamental… - Developing a new 2D-Plotting Package for OpenModelica
OpenModelica is an open-source based development environment for Modelica, and an open source modelling and simulation platform. One of the main reasons for this thesis is the desire to change the existing plotting package into something more… - Modelling and Simulation of Unknown Factors in Simulation Based Acquisition
When a new product should be acquired, a model over its functionality is made. A quite new idea in the military area is to use simulations to find out what and how much to acquire. Since the product never has been on the market before it is hard to know how factor… - Dynamic Cache Consistency Schemes for Wireless Cellular Networks
Caching frequently accessed data objects at the local buffer of a mobile user (MU) has been found to be very effective in improving information availability in mobile wireless environments. Several mechanisms have been proposed in the literature to address… - Voice Mail System for IP Multimedia Sub-system
The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) framework as an architectural framework to deliver multimedia services is under rapid development, to become the next generation telecommunication service framework. The objective of this work is to design an… - Doodle Processing System Using Cinder Graphics and Bullet Physics
This Master Thesis proposes a implementation for a doodle system which can scan hand drawn paper doodles using camera into the system and obtain a painting based on doodles impacting on a canvas in the system. The doodles which are scanned into the…
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